Diagnostic imaging procedures help to uncover hidden lesions and to develop and implement a comprehensive and professional treatment plan.

Our office has advanced CBCT, digital intraoral and panoramic x-ray available to our patients.


CBCT (Cone Beam CT)

Powerful diagnostic value with 3D images. The innovative FOV provides an arch-shaped volume, which shows a wide view of dentition, the hidden dentition area and exact bone density.

CBCT Poncz Dental Budapest
Diagnózis fogászati CB CT készülékkel

Accurate diagnosis, beside ultra low X-ray dose.

Intraoral x-ray

Shows the lesions of the teeth in high resolutional.


Panoramic x-ray

Diseases affecting most of the teeth and jawbones can be diagnosed with the help of this type of x-ray.



Execution time and Memory usage

PointExecution time (seconds)Usage memory (bytes)Database queries
By themeTotal (WP+Plugins+Theme)By themeTotal (WP+Plugins+Theme)By themeTotal (WP+Plugins+Theme)
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